Capricorn Gems

Capricorn Gems undertakes the mining, marketing, promotion, and selling of quality Central Queensland Gemstones. We work with a number of Central Queensland gemstone miners as well as operating our own sapphire mine with other partners. Our relationships with miners in on a personal level.

Rod is well known in the gemstone industry of Central Queensland. He has an extensive network of contacts and personal friendships with many gemstone miners.

Rod is a qualified gemologist and brings technical expertise as well as a gem processing dimension to the table. Rod also has extensive expertise in gem mining and cutting of sapphire, boulder opal, and chrysoprase.

Ian has a background in management and leadership of large organisations as well as the owner of a small management consulting business.

He has extensive knowledge of contemporary marketing trends and is keenly attuned to new ideas and sales channels brought about as a result of digital technologies and social networks.

Capricorn Gems Website

Capricorn Gems Instagram